Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Backups for Hyper-Visor Core Installation

One of the things I have been trying to wrap my head around is backing up our Hyper-Visor Core Server. The majority of Hyper-Visor installs are basically Windows Server with Hyper-Visor installed on top of it. In an attempt to improve performance, our current setup is just a physical server with Hyper-Visor "Core" installed on it and then we built the various virtual machines.

In Windows Server, it is an easy point-an-click task to setup backups using Windows Server Backup; however, Hyper-Visor Core is all command line (yay!!!!).

Once logged into the Hyper-Visor server, open a regular old command prompt and get ready to do the following:

  1. Install the backup command-line tools
  2. Setup your backup
To install the backup command-line tools, run the following command:

start /w ocsetup WindowsServerBackup

After a few seconds, the install will complete (there is no notification other than returning to the prompt) and you can now setup your backup. In my example, we want a full backup of EVERYTHING to our SAN everyday at 12:15 am. To set this up, type the following command:

wbadmin enable backup -addtarget:\\Location\Where\You\Want\To\Backup\To -schedule:00:15 -allCritical -systemState -vssFull -user:User_Account_for_Remote_Location -password:Password_For_Account -quiet

Press enter and you will see your backup being created. If everything went smoothly, you will see "The scheduled backup is enabled" confirming your settings.

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